Thursday, April 5, 2012

The 'Brain Tumors/Cancer'

The uncontrollable growth of cells in the brain is causing the brain tumors. There are many different kinds of cells in the brain, each with a different role. A tumor in the brain may or may not be malignant. When the maximum brain cells grow in a very large amount and put pressure on crucial areas in the brain can cause the Brain Tumors. Brain cancer is dangerous and life-threatening as the cancerous cells can disturb vital brain functions.
Scanning the Brain is the only method to detect weather a person is having the chronic disease of Brain Tumor or not.? At the beginning, from mild headaches to major pain in head is the main symptom of brain tumor. But some times theses signs can also be possible with some other reason but not a brain tumor.

You should consult your doctor if you are feeling the unusual type of headache apart from the general one.

A patient may feel headache with other signs too like nausea, vomiting, difficulty in bending or patient may feel frequent desire to use bathrooms. Seizures / Annexations : when patients may start feeling Seizures with other symptoms like high fever, epilepsy, stroke, trauma etc. are the main sings which should not be ignored at all because it is serious and need to consult with your doctor immediately. Your doctor then would go with the brain scanning for concluding the main cause for all these symptoms.
At an advance stage of Brian Tumors, a patient may find other automatic or sudden changes like loss in his/her behaviors, muscle control, consciousness or sensation. Later, on these symptoms turns to more dangerous effects from total agitation of the violent shaking or slight shaking of a limb in the affected person. Sometimes, a person can facing blurred vision, inaudible speech or fumbling and doing other odd behaviors, when suffering from seizure.
Nausea / Vomiting : only with the symptoms of vomiting a patient can?t be called suffering from a brain tumor. It can be the sign of other disease and also termed as one of the visible reason for brain tumor too.

Vision or Hearing disorders : whenever a patient is feeling any disturbance in the regular vision or hearing capacity, then he/she should consult with ENT specialists first, if their treatments are not helping patients to recover prominently then should go for new doctor for better diagnosis and treatments.? Causes of Brain Tumors/ cancer : Brain cancer is not transmissible and it does not occur due to head injury.

There are certain professions where workers may risk more for the brain cancers / tumors.? For instance the workers who are working for rubber manufacturing, drug manufacturing, and oil refining are at the high risk of this disorder.
Heredity: the members of the same family are more prone to Brain Cancer disorder due to heredity reason. Treatments of Brain Cancer : Surgery is the main treatment for primary brain tumors. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are the treatments that are used when cancer has extent to the brain. The doctor may use one or a combination of these treatments depending on the conditions of the patient.


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