Slaughterhouse-Five (1972): Self Respect and Survival

The clip self respect and survival from Slaughterhouse-Five (1972) where'd you get all this ? red cross. Clerical error. They've been sending us 500 Parcels a month instead of 50. Three years now. We've Got rather a lot, actually. Shouldn't you tell 'em ? Shouldn't you Give it back ? Oh, yank. You haven't been In the fight very long, Have you ? Come along. I keep forgetting Wars have always been fought By children. Where did you Get this absurd garment ? They gave it to me. Who ? The Germans. They didn't give you a coat, Yank, they gave you an insult. Hey, son. Over here. Do you understand What I?m saying ? Jerry tried To humiliate you. Now you must wear that coat As if you were proud of it. Teach him a lesson. It's terribly important That you understand that. It's been almost four years Since I was taken prisoner. True, most of us here. We haven't seen a woman Or a child in all of that time. Think about that for a minute. Want to know How we survived ? Well, I?ll tell you. The day that I was captured, I made a promise to myself: Each day I would Brush my teeth, shave my beard, Wash my hands and face Before each meal, evacuate My bowels with regularity. And do you know why ? Because the war consists of Continual petty humiliations. And I for one was going To treat myself with a good deal Of self-respect and survive. Do you think You can do it ?
Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 31 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: AnyClip
Tags: Slaughterhouse-Five (film) Self Respect And Survival AnyClip
Categories: Entertainment
Hulk (2003): Test on Self

The clip test on self from Hulk (2003) with Paul Kersey Instead, I can make super-immune systems... by strengthening the human cellular response. Banner, I know where you're going. But manipulating the immune system is dangerous and stupid. The president's science advisors made it absolutely clear... no human subjects.
Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 10 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: AnyClip
Tags: Hulk (film) Test On Self Paul Kersey AnyClip
Categories: Entertainment
Baby Mama (2008): Embarecing Her Self

The clip embarecing her self from Baby Mama (2008) with Will Forte Hi, Scott. Kate, my gosh, you look great! What are you doing here? I'm just clubbing. You remember my wife, Jean? Oh, yeah. Hi, Jean, how are you? How's everything? It's great. We just bought a house in Bucks County. I'm still doing stuff for Doctors Without Borders. Recently, we took in some Hurricane Katrina dogs. And I was in a bicycle accident that made my penis bigger. How are you? I'm doing awesome. I've just been working a lot, and I cannot have babies, it turns out. So, good job picking this one. What it is, actually, is my uterus is T-shaped, which is like... So, but actually, funny story. See that... Okay, see that little blonde woman, over here? I am paying her to have... Hi. Stop talking now. Bye, Jean.
Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 129 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: AnyClip
Tags: Baby Mama (film) Embarecing Her Self Will Forte AnyClip
Categories: Entertainment
The Wedding Date (2005): Self Examination

The clip self examination from The Wedding Date (2005) with Jack Davenport, Dermot Mulroney I trust you've enjoyed your trip to England. Yeah, it was fantastic. Thanks, Eddie. You know, I felt sorry for you last night. I was just sitting there like some smug arse, thinking, "Aren't I a lucky sod?" I forgave her when I thought it was just some random bloke. But not Jeffrey. I've had her up on a pedestal ever since... ever since I put her up there. What a mess I've made, huh? I'm so sorry. The hardest thing's loving someone and then having the courage to let them love you back. But if you know her shit and she knows yours and at the end of the day, you still would rather give up than try... nothing's ever gonna be worth it. Maybe think about it this way. You go back, you get to spend the rest of your life having really great makeup sex.
Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 232 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: AnyClip
Tags: The Wedding Date Self Examination Jack Davenport Dermot Mulroney AnyClip Amy Adams
Categories: Entertainment
The Hurricane (1999): Being Self-made Man

The clip being self-made man from The Hurricane (1999) Thank you. It came to me as kind of a revelation that my own freedom... lay in not wanting or needing anything of which they could deprive me. If punishment consisted of being locked in your cell... then by simply choosing to never leave my cell... I deprived them of that weapon. I would not work in their shops. I would not eat their food. I began to study. I dissected my entire case piece by piece... beginning with my initial arrest through the trial itself... and finally to the awful verdict.
Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 31 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: AnyClip
Tags: The Hurricane (1999 Film) Being Self-made Man AnyClip
Categories: Entertainment
EVERY OTHER DAY - M.I.C. (Made in China) (Music Video)

M.I.C. (Made in China) self titled released in 2009-EVERY OTHER DAY
Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 30 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Muzu
Tags: Muzu Music M.I.C. (Made In China) Rock Mic Made In China Every Other Day
Categories: Music & Dance
TAKE A LOOK - M.I.C. (Made in China) (Music Video)

M.I.C. Made in China, Cd released in 2009..First song from self titled CD-TAKE A LOOK
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Submitted By: Muzu
Tags: Muzu Music M.I.C. (Made In China) Rock Mic Made In China Take A Look
Categories: Music & Dance
Friedman's Theory of Differentiated Leadership Made Simple Dr. Jonathan Camp discusses the book A Failure of Nerve by Edwin Friedman, who owes many of his ideas of leadership to Murray Bowen (1913-1990), a pioneer of family therapy. Central to Bowen's family systems theory is the concept of differentiation, or the ability of a person to maintain a strong sense of "self" within the family. The anxious family system is composed of emotional triangles, in which two conflicting members try to diffuse the anxiety between them by bringing in a third member. But this only heightens the anxiety of the system. A well-differentiated person is able to resist the lure of emotional triangles, which causes the family system to mature by influencing others to take responsibility for themselves. In A Failure of Nerve, Friedman applies Bowen's family systems theory to organizational leadership.
Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 355 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Edwin Friedman Differentiated Leadership Made Simple Easy Animation Murray Bowen Self Anxious Family Therapy System Emotional Triangles Conflict Conflicting Anxiety Failure Nerve Jonathan Camp
Categories: People & Stories
Self Made Electric RC Boat Run #2

Another run with a close up of the boat in the beginning. Moved the battery to the front for more prop lift to not kill the engine :D Not a to long run, because it was getting darker and 30seconds later it was raining :D Batteries are getting old and bit worser (bout 5years old now and use frequently in my RC car). Haven't had time due to exams to put the electronic parts in a safe place, but waiting for another boat to arrive later.
Ranked 4.29 / 5 | 6884 views | 0 comments
Click here to watch the video (01:10)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Self Made Electric RC Boats Running 2 Zelf Gemaakt Gemaakte Elektro Boots Radio Controlled Electro Electricity Cells NiMh SB6 Syn Esc XS-6 Synthesizer System Graupner Remote Control
Categories: Entertainment
Condom Advertisement Best Ad Ever Made - One stop shop for all ur advertising Requirements. This Advertisement has got to be most funniest and creative ad ever made.
Ranked 3.96 / 5 | 802 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Condoms Advertising Love Passion Very Funny Indian Commercials TV AD Coool RDX Advertising VIRAL Inspiration Enterpreneurship Business Motivation Motivational Rebel Rebellion Self Belief Sachin Tendulkar Amitabh Bachchan HIndi Song Oscar Slumdog Millionai
Categories: How To
MOON: Movie Trailer

It is the near future. Astronaut Sam Bell is living on the far side of the moon, completing a three-year contract with Lunar Industries to mine Earth?s primary source of energy, Helium-3. It is a lonely job, made harder by a broken satellite that allows no live communications home. Taped messages are all Sam can send and receive. Thankfully, his time on the moon is nearly over, and Sam will be reunited with his wife, Tess, and their three-year-old daughter, Eve, in only a few short weeks. Finally, he will leave the isolation of ?Sarang,? the moon base that has been his home for so long, and he will finally have someone to talk to beyond ?Gerty,? the base?s well-intentioned, but rather uncomplicated computer. Suddenly, Sam?s health starts to deteriorate. Painful headaches, hallucinations and a lack of focus lead to an almost fatal accident on a routine drive on the moon in a lunar rover. While recuperating back at the base (with no memory of how he got there), Sam meets a younger, angrier version of himself, who claims to be there to fulfill the same three year contract Sam started all those years ago. Confined with what appears to be a clone of his earlier self, and with a ?support crew? on its way to help put the base back into productive order, Sam is fighting the clock to discover what?s going on and where he fits into company plans.
Ranked 3.51 / 5 | 111361 views | 4 comments
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Submitted By: videodetective
Tags: Moon Kevin Spacey Sam Rockwell Kaya Scodelario Matt Berry Duncan Jones Science Fiction Sony Pictures Classics Movie Trailers Movie Trailers
Categories: Entertainment
Airplane Home-Made Really Flies Under ,000

Video shows people, who built their own airplane. Built it in their garage in a few months. Under ,000. Actually flies with a pilot. Used the Mini-MAX kit and bought the engine a German Hurst 33. Used a tractor battery for electric starter. Airplane is self-built with JDT Mini-MAX LLC Wood Fabric Also shows air show, including RC R/C aircraft and Hobbico models. A canard model with a camera is also shown. Includes several helicopters including a Trex 600. RC R/C Trex 600 pilot flies insane maneuver danger dream Ultralight, Canard with camera, N310MF, 2002 Omf OMF-100-160 Aircraft N310MF 2002 Omf OMF-100-160. ... aircraft N310MF, Avatar, RC R/C home-made self-built home-built Airplane pilot flies, Hobbico, JDT Mini-MAX LLC, building a wing rib for a popular wooden kit offered as both kit and plans, the JDT Mini-Max
Ranked 3.71 / 5 | 3785 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Airplanes Aircraft Home-made Self-built Home-built RC R/C Trex 600 Insane Maneuver Danger Ultralight Canard With Cameras N310MF Avatar Hobbicos Jdt Mini-MAX Llc Popular Wooden Kit Low Price Ohio State Universities Columbus
Categories: Travel & Outdoors
Self-Made Electric Motor (Elektromotor)

This is an Self-Made Electric Motor. You only need some enameled copper wire, magnet and some letter clips like in the video. You must take care that the cooper wire is on the one side naked so that power can flow. All the rest you can see in the video. Good Luck and have much fun =) you also can contact me if you have some questions. Selbgebauter Elektromotor !
Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 308 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Technology Electric Enigne Motors Self Made Self-made Cars Elektromotor Selbstbau Jets Engines Fast Bauen
Categories: How To
(Timothy Olyphant) Hitman-Made of Bricks

(Timothy Olyphant) Hitman-Made of Bricks by Carla Scarlett Aka Aeonsage)The story is about agent 47 (played by Timothy Olyphant) who has trained and has been educated to become a professional assassin for hire. His love interest is (Olga Kurylenko).
Ranked 4.39 / 5 | 992 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Exclusive Aeonsage Adding Carla Scarlett Video Heroes Villains Broadcast Movie For On Line Self Film Cinema Clips How About YouTube Aeon Sage
Categories: Entertainment
Self-made Electronic Machines

Self-made electronic machines
Ranked 4.39 / 5 | 82287 views | 30 comments
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Submitted By: alons9000
Tags: Self-made Electronic Machines
Categories: Entertainment Science & Tech
Leveled Cam Holder for Self Recording

I needed to record myself from a distance with a videocamera. At the same time I needed to move the camera around me (and with me when I'm moving). Not just to have a static shots from the tripod. So I invented for myself this camera holder. I used a common stuff from a casual hardware store. It cost me only few bucks. Hope you consider it to be helpful for you too.
Ranked 4.25 / 5 | 40203 views | 24 comments
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Submitted By: MockFarm
Tags: DIY Make Build Tech Mod Science Tutorials Gadgets Hacks Production Homemade Cool Amazing Free Do It Yourself Home Made Dyi Tips Tricks Hints Create Easy Fast Instructional Experiments Mockfarm Always Leveled Cam Holder Recording Cameras Camcorder
Categories: How To Science & Tech
Brian Tracy's 21 Success Secrets of Self Made Millionaires 21 Success Secrets of Self Made Millionaires by Brian Tracy
Ranked 4.10 / 5 | 768 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Brian Tracy Self Made Millionaire
Categories: People & Stories
Cradle of Filth - Cradle of Fear (self Made Trailer) (16+)

hope you like it...i worked for hours to choose scienes to be fit with music...pretty good scienes from full video that i have never seen on trailers...and the music is different then others...worth to try check it out guys...16+ yes there will be blood!!!
Ranked 4.53 / 5 | 412 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Fear Cradle Of Filth Trailers Self Made
Categories: Art & Animation
Self Improvements and Self Help Made Easy SELF Everything you always wanted to know about self improvement, self help, and personal development Feel free to browse all 15 of our self improvement guides on self growth, inspirational, self hypnosis, stress, happiness, motivational, and positve thinking. Also get your FREE report on "Creativity Development". This is the Ultimate self improvement, self-help, self growth, self-hypnosis, and personal development site.
Ranked 4.21 / 5 | 533 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Self Improvement Selfhelp Selfgrowth Pesronalimprovement Inspirational Hypnosis Happiness Motivational Positve Affirmations
Categories: People & Stories
A Self-made Hovercraft Is Born

This video is about two guys (A. Huisman and S.Cusack) who built a remote control hovercraft for a school project. We tested it on land, and after that on water. Watch the video to see the results.. :-)
Ranked 4.37 / 5 | 8794 views | 1 comments
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Submitted By: Boxman40
Tags: Self Made Hovercraft Remote Control RC Schools Project Five Forty
Categories: Wheels & Wings
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